Taylor Gosselin
Title: Out-of-School Time Adminstrator
Years with ERfC: 7 years
Coworker quotes: “Taylor Gosselin is a very dedicated and hard working staff member at our ERfC program. She is very dedicated to making sure that the before and after school programs she works at are ran smoothly and that the children enjoy their time at our program, while also maintaining safety and structure. Great job Taylor!”
About Taylor: Taylor currently works in the ERfC Administrative Office as well as the Eli Whitney Before School Center and Henry Barnard & Prudence Crandall After School Center as the Head Teacher. She also runs the ERfC Enrichment Activities which are short, 6 week specialty programs. In her free time, Taylor loves to travel to Walt Disney World and spend time with her one year old son, husband, and dog.
Favorite part of working at ERfC: “I absolutely love getting to work with the kids. When you work at ERfC as long as I have you get to see kids who started with you in kindergarten grow up and it’s incredible to be with them through all of their school years!”