Shannon Leydon
Title: Team Leader
Years with ERfC: 1 yearCoworker quotes: “She’s very interactive with the children she is with and does a good job at mentoring them!”
“Shannon is always on time, energetic and willing to do whatever it takes to help others. Shannon has been moved from center to center and is always willing to help. She is always ready to work and run activities with any group of students she is assigned to. Shannon is the ultimate team player!““Shannon has gone above and beyond to cover multiple shifts throughout the weeks at each and every center. She rarely takes time off is always prompt and ready to work. Thank you, Shannon!“
About Shannon: Shannon started working at ERfC in November 2021. Typically, you can find Ms. Shannon at the Eli Whitney and Hazardville Before & After School Centers, however she has worked at almost every center as well as Summer Camp!
Favorite part of working at ERfC: “My favorite part of working with ERfC is helping the kids work on homework and making art projects with them!”
Fun Fact: “A fun fact about me is that I love animals and own pet chickens.”